четверг, 16 января 2020 г.


Next to the default set of widgets, most YOOtheme templates also ship with one or two additional widgets, specifically useful for the particular template. This template includes Reflection. For demonstrating the "YOOtheme" Method, just click image to the right. The class and style attributes of the image will be set blank and applied to the div instead, so the whole block will show like the original image. Our script takes care of everything and will enable the lightbox behavior. yootheme accordion

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If you like programming, you can even build your own widgets. We will see this in action in an example in a following post.

Choose a category to set the content items which should be loaded acvordion the YOOslider. Luckily, there is also an easier way to add widgets: The class and style attributes of the image will be set blank and applied to the div instead, so the whole block will show like the original image.

So, first you create a widget, and then you put it somewhere.

The second way to display widgets is directly in your content. For example goto the Joomla! It shows a small preloader animation before showing the full image. Although I will not discuss in detail each of the tools, I will go into more depth on these in adcordion blog posts.

Emotion Element for YOOtheme Pro

Usage Reflections can be added to any image tag over any kind of background even image backgrounds! This allows you to not just use images in a slider or gallery, but you can also feed this from your Joomla or Zoo articles! Widgetkit 2 was released in January and is the successor to the original Widgetkit accordiom, released back in early Actually Widgetkit is not just one tool: Our script takes care of everything and will enable the lightbox behavior.

The module is very simple, and only has one option: You can even create a new widget directly using this button. YOOtheme has some documentation about this. If you have a set of related images that you would like to group, follow step one but additionally include a group name between square brackets in the rel attribute.

cf Emotion Accordion |

Create a new menu item for level 2 this means a new item for the sub menu. This is no surprise, as YOOtheme is also known to provide extremely lightweight templates. Widgetkit uses it's own workflow, which means that the actual Widgets are maintained separate from where they are used.

The easiest way to display an already created widget is as a module. You can then easily see how the individual widgets are built. Widgetkit provides photo galleries, slideshows, maps, accordions and much more in one single extension.

Use the title attribute if you want to show a caption. This template supports two general layout option. The "left" module block with the sub menu can be aligned to the left or the right site.

yootheme accordion

Lightbox allows you to show overlay popups of images on the page you are currently at instead of linking to afcordion new window. For demonstrating the "YOOtheme" Method, just click image to the right. Next to the default set of widgets, most YOOtheme templates also ship with one or two additional widgets, specifically useful for the particular template. So you don't need to spend time in an image editor creating reflections.

For example take a look. You can use Widgetkit perfectly well as a stand-alone extension and install it in any template, either one you built yourself or a framework like Gantry or T3.

yootheme accordion

The best way to learn the extension is to download the Widgetkit 2 demo package, which contains examples of all the widgets.

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