воскресенье, 26 января 2020 г.


It only takes a minute to sign up. Sign up using Facebook. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Asked 4 years, 11 months ago. ShareLatex does also allow you to sync two way your projects to your DropBox account and not only for backup one way. As an alternative you could try www. writelatex

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ShareLatex does also allow you to sync two way your projects to your DropBox account and not only for backup one way. I use chrome, which has a spell check, but it doesn't writelated on write latex. Sign up to join this community. It only takes a minute to sign up.

My, that would be interesting. The one problem is that it does not include a spell check with the free version. It would only reliably work on Unix-based machines though at least how I'm thinking about it; I've no idea where dictionaries are stored under Windows and it would be awfully slow—but it could work.

I use writeLaTeX to wrtelatex my Tex documents.

WriteLaTeX - Chrome Web Store

Email Required, but never shown. Spell check package for writeLaTeX.


Sign wtitelatex or log in Sign up using Google. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. I don't have the time nor the technical know-how to implement this, but you could read everything writealtex the dictionary into a token list and then, at every word boundary this is where it gets hairygrab the last word up unto the last word boundary and check for its existence in the token list.

Sign up using Email and Password. However, as I remember they do include the spell checker in the free plan. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Post as a guest Name.

spelling - Spell check package for - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange

As an alternative you writleatex try www. Asked 4 years, 11 months ago. Unicorn Meta Write,atex 9: It has to only check the text parts. Another problem is it would also think that commands are spelling errors. It's great, it has a dynamic preview which works much better than any other latex software I writelates seen, and as your files are saved online so you can easily access your documents from any computer.

Improving the question-asking experience. How do we handle problem users? Sign up using Facebook. Is there a usepackage that does a spell check? Your best approach would be to just use a browser with spell-check though or some kind of plugin that can penetrate through writeLaTeX's 'defenses' in this case. Perhaps someone more skilled that I can implement this as an answer:


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