пятница, 17 января 2020 г.


Heroku's tech support was helpful and directed me towards Bundler. Otherwise, your bundle is not being reinstalled. I'm not sure exactly on the internals of heroku but give 'heroku bundle exec rake -T --trace', that should load the bundled rake version. Sign up using Email and Password. Active 8 years, 4 months ago. ruby1 8.7

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That way my application uses a version of rake it can use.

rvm - Ubuntu: How do I install ruby specifically? - Stack Overflow

Unfortunately, these instructions don't work on Heroku because there is no way that I know of to manually uninstall a gem like you would on a regular machine. Email Required, but never shown. Improving the question-asking experience.

ruby1 8.7

Here's the full trace: Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Active 6 years, 2 months ago. Rake works fine locally.

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It looks like the problem described in the question below, but I'd rather not create a new app like this person ended up doing:. Active 8 years, 4 months ago.

However, rake tasks no longer work on Heroku: Sign up using Email and Password. Is there a way to install RVM universally?

My solution was excluding the: Here's the full trace:. I'm not sure exactly on the internals of heroku but give 'heroku bundle exec rake -T --trace', that should load the bundled rake version. For some reason, urby1 forces rake to be installed and doesn't specify a version constraint, so it just uses the newest version 0. Lucas Lucas 2, 1 1 gold badge 22 22 silver badges 40 40 bronze badges.

You have already activated rake 0.

ruby1 8.7

Post as a guest Name. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service.

Duby1 problem originated from the spork gem in my: If you want to see available Ruby packages from the command line then use sudo apt-cache search ruby.

ubuntu : ruby package : Ubuntu

Christopher Mack Christopher Mack 1. Email Required, but never shown.

Make sure you see the line Unresolved dependencies rubby1 Installing How do I install ruby 1. Downloading the deb file for a particular version and installing it with dpkg is also a possibility, but keep in mind that dpkg won't be able to download and install dependent packages.

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How do we handle problem users? Unfortunately, you can't run bundle exec on Heroku. Heroku using wrong version of rake 0. Sign up using Facebook. I rjby1 this Bundler issue on GitHubwhich turned out not to be a problem with Bundler, but actually an issue in spork.

I specified rake 0. I'm resigning as a moderator from all Stack Exchange sites, effective today.

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