четверг, 16 января 2020 г.


The desktop version of this family includes: But harmonizing the serifs proved difficult. After all, the Book weight already shared features of sans-serif types. Founded in , coinciding with the birth of the Macintosh computer, the Emigre team, consisting of Rudy VanderLans and Zuzana Licko, with the addition of Tim Starback in , were among the early adaptors to the new technology. Designed by Zuzana Licko in fairplex font

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A range of fairlpex was interpolated before deciding on the Medium and Bold weights. After all, the Book weight already shared features of sans-serif types. A line need not be full out to the left but may be moved a little or a lot to the right. As type today stands by itself, without the addition of ornament, we have become more sensitive to it not only as words and lines, but as part of the fwirplex of a page.

Free Fairplex Narrow Bold Font Download

For more information about Fairplex, download the free type specimen. To provide a comprehensive family, Licko wanted the boldest weight to be quite heavy. Font features Default numbers Lining numbers Old style numbers. Close View Cart 0. This meant that the Black weight would need more contrast than the Book weight in order to avoid clogging up. Ofnt harmonizing the serifs proved difficult.


If we succeed in finding that position we have done our job. In either case the line can be so placed to achieve the best effect; but the placing and its overall effect will probably be quite different in each case.

The right placing of words and lines is as important as the creation of significant and effective contrasts, and is an integral part of it. When creating the accompanying weights, the challenge was to balance the contrast and stem weight with the serifs. Type your customized text here….

fairplex font

In other words, slab serif type is more akin to sans-serif type with serifs added on than it is to a version of serif type. The issue was solved after Licko attended fobt talk by Alastair Johnston on his book Alphabets to Ordera survey of nineteenth century type specimens. The initial serif treatments she tried didn't stand up to the robust character of the Black weight.

The sizes and weights of type used depend first and foremost on the contents, but almost always we have scope to choose a larger or smaller size or to alter the graphic appearance of some of the lines. This sparked the idea that the solution to her serif problem for Fairplex Black might be a slab serif treatment. Current browsers only support a small number of OpenType features.

fairplex font

Here begins true design, the shaping of the graphic form. Every shape exists only in relation to the space around it. The same line has a totally different effect in a large or small area of white space. Designed by Zuzana Licko in As a result of its low contrast, the Fairplex Book weight is somewhat reminiscent of a sans serif, yet the slight serifs preserve the recognition of serif letterforms.

The desktop version of this family includes: Founded incoinciding with the birth of the Macintosh computer, the Emigre team, consisting of Rudy VanderLans and Zuzana Licko, with the addition of Tim Starback inwere among the early adaptors to the new technology.

All typography is an arrangement of elements in two dimensions. Jan Tschichold, Basle

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